Sunday, April 01, 2007

Kryptonite of parents...

It seems like just bout all of us happen to have a period of time where we yearn for freedom so much we would even kill for it...
And it all mostly happen in our teens years where we were most disturbed...

If you guys ever watch the play by Russel Peters, at one point he mention bout gaining power over parent is like finding Kryptonite...

For most of us, just bout the whole of our childhood were very much sheltered by our parents whose intention is nothing else but to protect us, in which however the method they may use...

Us the younglings, while may or may not understand their intention, will always dream of having this 'Kryptonite', so we can just stop them for just once, so as to make room for us to spread our wings...
Some of us may even go as far as to hunt for this 'Kryptonite' without even trying to understand what is the moral behind all the suffering they may be going through...

Yet, like what the uncle of Peter Parker A.K.A. Spiderman says, 'With great power comes great responsiblity'...
While getting it is one thing, controling it is another...
Many turn to the dark side upon gaining such power and fail accept any form of reasoning anymore... Thus losing one's self to the devil himself...
Only when one is burned by the flame of hell will they come to understand that this freedom they yearn for is nothing more than just mere illusion...

In the end, one must realize...
This 'Superman' who we are using this Kryptonite on, at the end of the day, is still the Good guy who is just trying to protect us from 'Lex Luthor'...

Today's entry is dedicated to my little cousin who have ran away from home...
Wishing that she may come to see the light soon...

And so today's update:

Spend: 66.50 on food, 4 on batteries, 17 on comic, 4.90 on a toy (yes, toy... sue me...)
Save: 1000 (got a bonus... again... =P)
Wallet: ???
Coins: ???
Current Bank: 97.99
Saving Bank: 7000
Saving (2): 5004